Three lessons about writing voice and diction

Most of the helpful comments I've received on my writing were from Wendy Dale, my writing mentor. Wendy is both an effective encourager and a constructive critic. She boosted my esteem as a writer like no one did to me before and taught me things I didn't learn from other writing mentors. A few years... Continue Reading →

Be strong, writer.

It's been satisfying to stare into space. The slow tree leaves swaying with the slow wind outside my window tell me I've burned myself out this year again. I have become more efficient this year, though, and my 'work threshold' has increased ridiculously, but apparently, I haven't improved in the aspect of 'rest' yet. I... Continue Reading →

Three things you can share through writing

I sit at my writing desk now, pondering generosity in writing. Recently, my time's been tight with work, and I noticed that my head's becoming difficult to set right for writing. I struggle. Specifically, it takes me innumerable deep breaths, several walks to the water dispenser, and looking nowhere and around before I can dive... Continue Reading →

Three ways to tell a gripping story

Do you believe that you are a natural storyteller? "Human beings are embedded in their stories," Jason Silva of Shots of Awe said, "The human race--who we are--is a story. We are a narrative. Mind is a narrative." Every day, your mind runs with words. The world breathes with information. Wherever you look, you see... Continue Reading →

Three things every memoir should have

I reckon that the terms “intrapersonal intelligence” and “introspection” are germane to a discussion in memoir writing. When I penned my first memoir in 2017, I thought it was my initial first-hand encounter with the literary form. Wrong, I was. After teaching and studying about memoir, I discovered that I’ve been a memoirist all along,... Continue Reading →

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