Forgotten present

I am sorry, Present.

You’re a gift I’ve been taking for granted.

I keep thinking about Past and Future,

When all I ever have for sure…is you.

So at this moment, allow me to remember

Who you are.


You are sacred

For you are the space in time where God and I meet,

Where God’s words are spoken the loudest,

Where His presence is the warmest,

And where God is just being Himself.


You are the reality

For you’re the world where there is real breeze,

Real heat and real coldness,

Real sunrise and real sunset,

Real skin and real breath.


You are beautiful.

You are the detail I always miss,

The splendor of heaven

Revealed in tiny things.

You are both God and man’s triumph.


You are mine.

Past has already died.

Future has never been born.

But you, Present,

You live.

3 thoughts on “Forgotten present

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  1. I love you thoughts Ms. Elaine! Thank you for sharing this.


    You are mine.

    Past has already died.

    Future has never been born.

    But you, Present,

    You live.



  2. I have read an almost same quote like your this which I shared to my students:

    The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live, and that is the present moment
    – Buddha

    Thank you for the reminder, Elaine. O:-)


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